Partnership Announcement : CRVN Capital x Vconomics

Blockchain can be said to be a great invention of the 21st century, although it just has been in the beginning, it has been gradually approaching all aspects of life, not only cryptocurrencies but also education, health, supply chains and the whole economy. Understanding the importance and influence of this technology in the future, CRVN Capital has focused on researching and supporting Blockchain and DeFi projects, Vconomics is one of the important partnerships, this is a significant milestone marking a new step of CRVN Capital in this field. CRVN Capital is pleased to accompany Vconomics in upcoming plans to bring this decentralized economy to cover all 64 provinces of Vietnam.

About Vconomics

Vconomics is an application that gets ideas from Vietnam’s digital economy in a narrow range for users to interact and build the future digital economy. Vconomics is a decentralized economy where everything is decided by everyone on the Blockchain and Smart Contracts.
Vconomics “universe” is formed based on factors such as security, safety, transparency and speed. The “planets” revolving around this digital world include:

  • Vfactory: NFT factory
  • Vex: NFT Exchange
  • Vuniverse: Vconomics’ Celebration Universe
  • Vlending: P2P lending
  • Vpool: Vconomics Savings Fund

Besides, Vconomics universe also integrates credit scoring through Vscore. This is considered the key to support users when making, buying and selling MICS, Vscore also connects different financial needs between borrowers – lenders – bank staff.

Learn more about Vconomics: