What is Green Beli? The first Eco-Friendly GameFi

What is Green Beli?

Green Beli was founded in 2019 with a mission to reduce plastic waste, promote a green lifestyle and raise the community’s environmental awareness through media campaigns.

As a part of the Green Beli project, the Green Beli NFT Game was conceived of to utilize the cryptocurrency platform to raise funds for such eco-activities.

To join the game, you need to buy and own GRBE tokens and NFT items released exclusively by the project. Green Beli commits at least 30% of the Green Beli’s Ecosystem Fund to go towards environmental activities.

Green Hero

Each Green Hero includes 4 affected elements


Each Green Hero consists of 6 body parts. Each body part represents one stat, with values from min to max and directly affects the Green Hero’s power.

Each part of the body will have a varying rarity from 1 – 6 (Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary, Mythical).


Each Green Hero belongs to 1 of 5 classes, namely Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Soil, representing 5 elements in nature.

These classes are attached to each Green Hero permanently.


There are 6 levels of a star, ranging from 1-6.

All of Green Hero own a level of 1 star from the beginning.


Each Green Hero is born with a special stat, called Genes which remains unchanged throughout their life. Genes is the most important stat of an Green Hero, affecting all other stats.



Solo Farming.

  • GRBE Token
  • NFT & GRBE Token
  • LP Token
  • NFT & LP Token

Community Farming

Gaming (PvP)

You can use an Green Hero of your collections to battle against opponents to earn rewards. The system uses algorithms to randomly match opponents with similar ranks, power, and so on and ensure the game’s balance.


Green Hero can do breeding to create a new Green Hero to enhance their stats. Each Green Hero has a maximum of 5 breeding times. The breeding function will be disabled until being reactivated in Regeneration Pool. The regenerating rate is random and depends on the balance of the NFT’s ecosystem.


All Green Hero, either spawned from seed or generated through breeding, have a level of 1 star. The level of the star determines the damages the Green Hero can make and the rewards it can receive.

Land & NFT items

The land in the game offers the following features:

  • A free land can grow up to 2 Green Hero.
  • The land has a rarity from 1 to 10, representing fertility.
  • The larger the size of the land, the more trees can be grown
  • Scalability
  • NFT items’ as equipment
  • Premium lands will generate more earnings, lands can also be rented and exchanged on our NFT marketplace

Earning and equipping NFT items for your trees to earn more $GRBE and more profits.

  • NFT items helps get more profits
  • Limited sale with different abilities
  • The longer NFT items, the higher staking profits
  • Exchange on NFT marketplace

6. AFK (Away From Keyboard)

AFK allows you to gain EXP even when they are offline. Each player has 2 free plots of land to farm EXP and needs to buy new plots to expand their farm.

The GRBE token

GRBE token

GRBE token is the game native token, enabling players to purchase in-game assets and enjoy all game features. GRBE can also be used as rewards and to exchange for Green Hero. 

Token distribution

Allocation%Token SupplyTGE UnlockVesting
Seed sale5%50,000,0005%5% at TGE, 2-month lock up, then linear daily vesting in 12 months
Private sale15%150,000,0007.5%7.5% at TGE, 2-month lock up, then linear daily vesting in 12 months
Public sale1%10,000,00025%25% TGE, then linear monthly vesting in 03 months
Founder & Team15%150,000,0000%06 month lock up, then 25% quarterly
Advisor5%50,000,0000%06 month lock up, then 25% quarterly
Reserve12%120,000,0000%06 months lock up, then vesting for 03 years
Game incentives23%230,000,0000%Lock up until game launching, vesting 03 years
Liquidity10%100,000,00015%15% TGE, then linear vesting in 24 months
Marketing & Partnership14%140,000,0000%Linear vesting in 24 months

Green Beli Ecosystem Fund

The Green Beli Ecosystem Fund is used for project operation, future development, environmental activities, and other project related activities to benefit the ecosystem of Green Beli.

Depending on which amount is greater at the given times, Green Beli commits at least 30% of revenue from the sales of tree seeds, land & NFT items, OR 10% of the total Green Beli Ecosystem Fund, to go to the chosen cause.


Green Beli commits at least 30% of revenue from the sales of tree seeds, land & NFT items, OR 10% of the total Green Beli Ecosystem Fund, to go to the chosen cause.


Q2/2021Game concept research
Business model development
Q3/2021Develop Token & NFT Game
Public sale
Release Farming & Staking
Tree Seed For Sale
Q4/2021NFT Market
Game Beta release: PvP
Release Breeding & Fusion
Play to earn (P2E)
Release Land & NFT items
First big Green Beli sponsorship
Q1/2022Cross-Chain NFT Market
Collateral Loan
Community Growth
Kick-off Green Beli Scholarship Program
Q2/2022New game concept – voting by community
Expand Green Beli Ecosystem Fund
Connect NFT Game to real world 
